
General’s Chalk Pencil White 2 Pack


General’s White Pastel Chalk Pencils-2 pack

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SKU: whtchalk2 Category: Tags: , ,


General’s Pastel Chalk Pencils are the ideal tool for marking quilts, needlework, embroidery etc.

Packaged set of 2 white pencils

As a longarm quilter, Pat only uses these pencils on customer quilts. They are available in many colors but only white, gray, dark gray and yellow are recommended by Pat for quilts. Use very light pressure to prevent scuffing the fabric surface. Most markings will rub off by the time the quilt is completed. Remove with a piece of batting used as an eraser.

Pencils should be carefully sharpened with a hand-held pencil sharpener using light force as they are fragile. An electric sharpener is ideal.

Additional information

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 10 × 2 × .25 in

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